Our Special Tests Rate Chart

"Explore Our Comprehensive Rate Chart for Special Tests"

Rate Chart

TestsPatient preparationType of tube & sample
Lab Charges (Rs.)Report
117-OH ProgesteroneRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube2000/-7 DaysThis test, along with Cortisol & Androstenedione constitutes the best screening
test for Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia.
2Absolute Counts
Eosinophil/ Neutrophil/ Basophils
Random3 ml whole blood in Lavender Top EDTA tube160/- eachSame DayPart of Routine Haemogram. Eosinophils raised in Allergic condition and Basophils raised in CML
3ACERandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube1100/-Same DayACE activity is therefore extremely useful as an aid in the diagnosis and in the management of sacoidosis. It may
also help to confirm Gaucher’s disease.
4ACTHRandom3 ml K2 EDTA & K3 EDTA
Plasma. Only pre-cooled sampling vials to be used. After drawing blood, the vials to be put on ice.
2000/-Same DayPlasma ACTH measurements are useful in the differential diagnosis of Cushing’s disease, Nelson’s syndrome, hypopituitarism with ACTH deficiency and ectopic ACTH syndrome.
5ADARandom, preferably 2 hours after meal2 ml clotted blood in red top tube500/-Same DayElevated serum ADA activity has been observed in patients with acute hepatitis, alcoholic hepatic fibrosis, chronic active hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, viral hepatitis and hepatoma. Increased ADA activity was also observed in
patients with tuberculosis effusions.
6AFB Culture (L-J Media)Pus/ wound swab = Sample to be collected
from discharging area.
Sterile container.650/-6 weeksFor diagnosis of Mycobacterial infection.
7AFPRandom, preferably 2 hours after meal2 ml clotted blood in red top tube800/-Same DayUsed as a tumor marker to identify cancers, such as hepatomas
8Albumin-CSF / Urine
microalbumin or albumin
Overnight Fasting2 ml clotted blood in red top tube / 24 hrs urine400/-Same DayUseful in evaluating patients for nutritional status, l iver disease, protein losing renal and
gastrointestinal disease
9Aldehyde TestRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube100/-Next DayKala azar is caused by Leishmania donovani. Recommended for patients from endemic areas
with appropriate clinical f indings.
10Alkaline PhosphataseOvernight Fasting2 ml clotted blood in red top
220/-Same DayUsed to detect and monitor diseases of the
l iver and bone.
● 11Allergy Profile-Food (40
Random500 µl serum or 2 ml clotted
5200/-3 daysDetection against 40 allergens
Allergy Profile-Inhalation
(20 allergens)
Random500 µl serum or 2 ml clotted
3300/-3 daysDetection against 20 allergens
12AMHRandom , preferably 2
hours after meal
2 ml clotted blood in red top
2000/-Same DayDone as a guide to ovarian reserve and predicting

AmmoniaRandom3 ml EDTA blood600/-Same DayAmmonia is elevated in liver disease, Reye’s syndrome,
Urea Cycle Enzyme deficiencies & other medical
14AmylaseOvernight Fasting2 ml clotted blood in red top
550/-Same DayUsed to detect and monitor the clinical course
of pancreatitis.
Profile or Pattern)
Random2 ml clotted blood in red top tube3850/-7 daysUseful in the diagnosis of patients with autoimmune diseases such as SLE, Mixed connective t issue disease, Rheumatoid
Arthritis, Sjogren' s syndrome, Progressive systemic sclerosis and CREST syndrome.
16Anaerobic culture ( each
To be collected
Sterile container700/-5 daysIdentification of anaerobic pathogenic organism in clinical
17Anaemia Profile (Complete Haemogram, Reticulocytes, Iron, TIBC, Ferritin,
+ I f requested Vitamin B 12, Folate, TSH, Hb
Mentioned in individual test parametersMentioned in individual test parameters2200/- or 5200/-
(depending on tests added)
Same DayMentioned in individual test parameters
18Anti Cardiolipin IgG/ Ig MRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube750/-Same DayAnti Cardiolipin antibodies are useful in identifying patients with an increased risk of thrombosis, recurrent spontaneous abortions and phospholipid antibody syndrome. Anti Cardiolipin IgG is the most sensitive but the least specific antibody. Anti Cardiolipin IgM is less sensitive but more specific than Anti Cardiolipin IgG
19Anti CCP AntibodyRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube1350/-Same DayUsed as an aid in the diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis in combination with other clinical and
laboratory f indings.
20Anti Ds-DNA (ELISA/ IF)Random2 ml clotted blood in red top tube700/ 16507 DaysUsed to identify patients with active SLE and approximately 20% patients with Mixed
Connective t issue disease.
21Anti HAV IgM/ TotalRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube950/- eachNext DayAnti HAV IgM indicates recent Hepatitis A infection and Anti HAV Total indicates previous exposure and immunity
to Hepatitis A.
22Anti HAV IgM + Total
Mentioned in individual
test parameters
Mentioned in individual test
1700/-Next DayMentioned in individual test parameters
23Anti HBc IgM/ TotalRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube950/- eachNext DayAnti HBc IgM is anarly indicator of acute infection. Rarely detectable in chronic infection. Anti HBc Total is a
life-long marker, indicates past infection, also active infection in the acute/chronic period.
24Anti HBc IgM + Total
Mentioned in individual
test parameters
Mentioned in individual test
1650/-Next DayMentioned in individual test parameters
25Anti HBeRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube950/-Next DayPrognostic for resolution of infection
26Anti HBsRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top
950/-Next DayIndicator of clinical recovery and subsequent immunity to
Hepatitis B infection
27Anti HCV IgGRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube850/-Same DayIndicates infection with HCV but not specifically infectivity or immunity

Anti HCV IgGRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube850/-Next DayIndicates infection with HCV but not specifically infectivity or immunity
29Anti HEV IgMRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube1250/-Next DayIndicates acute or recent infection due to HEV
30Anti Phospholipid Antibody (IgG)/ Ig M eachRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube850/-7 DaysThese tests are done in cases of unexplained arterial/ venous thrombosis, pregnancy with unexplained foetal deaths, spontaneous abortions, presence of unexplained cutaneous circulatory disturbance l ike Livido reticularis and presence of Systemic rheumatic d isease
l ike LE.
31Anti Phospholipid Antibody
Random2 ml clotted blood in red top
1650/-8 DaysStated in SL No 29
● 32Anti TG antibodyRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube1350/-Same DayAnti Tg determination is used as an aid in the diagnosis of autoimmune thyroid diseases. Elevated serum t i tres against Tg- autoantibodies are found in subjects with autoimmunity bases thyroiditis. High concentrations of Anti Tg together with Anti TPO are present in most patients with chronic lymphocytic-infiltrative thyroiditis (Hashimoto’ s
33Anti TPO antibodyRandom, preferably 2 hours after meal2 ml clotted blood in red top tube1050/-Same DayUsed for detecting Autoimmune thyroid disease
34Any body f l uid - Bactec culture ( Both Aerobic & Anaerobic -
each specim en)
Body fluid is to be collected ascepticallySterile container900/-5 DaysFor diagnosis of systemic bacterial infection
35Any body f luid PAP SmearNAMinimum volume of f luid to be examined should
be 5 ml.
550/-3 DaysFor diagnosis of malignancy
36Arthritis / Rheumatoid profile ( Hb %, TC DC
ESR, Uric Acid, ASO, RF,
CRP, Anti CCP + i f
requested ANA, Calcium,
Phosphate, Vit D, HLAB 27)
Mentioned in individual test parametersMentioned in individual test parameters3030/- or 11760/-
(depending on tests added)
Next day. Except ANA after 7 daysMentioned in individual test parameters
37A. P. T. TRandom3 ml whole blood in Blue Top
(Sodium Citrate ) tube
450/-Same DayAPTT measures intrinsic and common pathways of the
coagulation cascade.
38Ascitic (peritoneal) /
Pleural f luid / pericardial f luid/ CSF-Routine
NAMinimum volume of f luid to be examined should
be 5 ml.
600/-Same DayRoutine investigation for detection of infection, i f any
39ASO TitreRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube500/-Same DayUseful in confirming exposure to Streptococcus pyogenes in the absence of other laboratory
40Bence Jones Protein
(Urine) (Chemical Method)
Morning sample20 ml urine200/-Same DaySuspected Multiple Myeloma or any plasma cell
41Beta HCGRandom, Preferably 2 hours after meal2 ml clotted blood in red top tube800/-Same DayUsed for diagnosing pregnancy and aids in the
investigation of ectopic pregnancy. Also used for monitoring in vitro fertilization patients.

Beta 2 Glycoprotein(IgG+ IgM)Random2 ml clotted blood in red top tube2700/-5 daysMentioned in individual test parameters

Beta 2 Glycoprotein IgG / IgM EachRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube1550/-5 daysBeta-2 glycoprotein 1 (Ig G/ IgM) antibody tests are used along with cardiolipin antibody and lupus anticoagulant testing to help diagnose the cause of an unexplained blood clot (thrombotic episode) or recurrent miscarriages, to help diagnose antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), or to detect the autoantibodies in
someone with another autoimmune disorder.
44BicarbonateRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube500/-Same DayUsed to evaluate the pH status of the patient and to assist in evaluation of electrolytes
45Bilirubin (Total, Conjugated &
Fasting2 ml clotted blood in red top tube220/-Same DayUsed to evaluate liver function
46Biopsy-Amputation specimenNAContainer. Sample must be sent in proper fixative (10% formolsaline) along
with proper history
1000/- per slides5 working DaysHistological diagnosis purpose
47Biopsy - Amputation of
penis (Total/ partial)
NASame as above4000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
48Biopsy - Anastomosis
NASame as above1000/- as per slides5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
49Biopsy - Antro Choanal
NASame as above1200/- as per size5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
50Biopsy - Any small t issueNASame as above1200/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
51Biopsy-AppendixNASame as above1200/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
52Biopsy - Bone marrowNASame as above2000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
53Biopsy - Bone & soft t issueNASame as above2000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
54Biopsy - Brain tumourNASame as above2000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
55Biopsy Breast-Radical
mastectomy with axillary
fat/ L nodes & other large
NASame as above5000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
56Biopsy (Breast t issue –
NASame as above2000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
57Biopsy - Cervical t issueNASame as above1200/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
58Biopsy - Cervical polypNASame as above1200/- as per size5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
59Biopsy - Colonoscopy
t issue
NASame as above1200/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
60Biopsy - Disc material(
Spinal tumour)
NASame as above1200/- as per size5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
61Biopsy - Endometrial t issueNASame as above1200/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
62Biopsy - EyeballNASame as above3000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
63Biopsy - Fistula/ PilesNASame as above1200/- as per size5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
64Biopsy - Gastrectomy
NASame as above5000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
65Biopsy-Gall BladderNASame as above1500/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
66Biopsy - Hemicolectomy specimen / APR
(Abdominoperineal resection)
NASame as above5000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
67Biopsy -IntestineNASame as above4000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
68Biopsy - Larynx specimenNASame as above5000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
69Biopsy - Laryngeal (small)NASame as above1200/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
specimen from lung/ l iver
NASame as above3000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
71Biopsy - LipomaNASame as above2000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
72Biopsy-Lymph nodeNASame as above2000/-5-6 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
73Biopsy - Maxilla/
Hemimandibulectomy/ Mandible
NASame as above5000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
74Biopsy - Myomectomy
NASame as above2000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
75Biopsy- Mucosal t issueNASame as above1200/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
76Biopsy - Nasal polypNASame as above1200/- as per size5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
77Biopsy - Neck dissectionNASame as above4000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
78Biopsy - Nephrectomy
NASame as above4000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
79Biopsy - Orchidectomy specimenNASame as above4000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
80Biopsy - Ovarian mass (Cyst, tumour)NASame as above1200/- as per size5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
81Biopsy - Oral (Small
NASame as above1200/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
82Biopsy - Parotidectomy specimenNASame as above2000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
83Biopsy - Penile t issue (Small biopsy)NASame as above1200/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
84Biopsy-ProstateNASample must be sent in proper fixative (10% formolsaline) along with proper history including Serum PSA Value & USG
2000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
85Biopsy -Prostate ( TURP chips)NASample must be sent in proper fixative (10%
formolsaline) along with proper history
2000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
86Biopsy - Preputial t issueNASame as above2000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
87Biopsy - Product of
NASame as above1200/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
88Biopsy - Skin ( wide local
NASame as above3000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
89Biopsy - SkinNASame as above1200/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
90Biopsy - Small intestine & Mesenteric lymphnodeNASame as above2000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
91Biopsy - Sub Mandibular
Salivary gland
NASame as above2000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
92Biopsy - Specimen of IDEM
NASame as above2000/- as per size5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
93Biopsy - Thyroidectomy specimen
(Hemithyroidectomy / Total
NASame as above3000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
94Biopsy - Tongue (Small t issue)NASame as above1200/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
95Biopsy - Tongue specimen
(large)- Hemiglossectomy
NASame as above3000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
96Biopsy - Total
hysterectomy & bilat
NASame as above4000/- as per size5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
97Biopsy - Tru Cut - Breast t issueNASame as above2000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
98Biopsy - Tru Cut - Liver
t issue
NASame as above2000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
99Biopsy - Tru Cut - Lung t issueNASame as above2000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
100Biopsy - Trus guided
Prostatic t issue - Linear t issue
NASame as above3000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
101Biopsy - Uterus &
Appendages ( uterus with
bilateral tubes and ovaries)
NASame as above4000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
102Biopsy - Uterus and Cervix onlyNASame as above3000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
103Biopsy - Uterus with f ibroidNASame as above3000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
104Biopsy - W hipples
NASame as above5000/-5 DaysHistological Diagnosis purpose
105Blood Culture (Aerobic / Anaerobic/ Bactec) eachBlood is to be collected asceptically after properly disinfecting the area from where the blood is to be taken.Aerobic- Blood 5-10 ml. in FA plus bottle for adult and 1-4 ml. in PF plus bottle for paediatric.
Anaerobic- Blood 5-10 ml. in FN plus bottle.
900/-5 daysFor diagnosis of septicemia or Bacteremia.
106Bone marrow at Laboratory [ with free haemogram]
RandomNA1800/-After 3
working days
For investigation of anaemia, leukaemia and other non- malignant conditions
107Bone marrow (Smears
RandomBone marrow smear
with case history
500/-After 3
working days
For investigation of anaemia, leukaemia and other non-
malignant conditions
108Bleeding and Coagulation Time (BT and CT)RandomCapillary150/-Same DayTo screen patients having bleeding and clotting disorder
109Bone marrow (Trephine Biopsy) [W i th Free
NASample must be sent in proper fixative (10% formolsaline) along with
proper history
8000/-5 DaysFor diagnosis of malignant and non-malignant haematological conditions
110Blood Group and Rh FactorRandom2 ml whole blood in
Lavender Top EDTA tube
150/-Same DayThis test is done to ensure proper transfusion.
111Body Fluid / CSF (only Cell Count and Type)N.A.EDTA tube200/-Same DayFor detection of any infection
112Body Fluids (Pleural/ Peritoneal etc.) (Physical, Chemical- Glucose, Protein, Chloride, Cell
Count & Type, Gram and AFB
NASample Volume: Minimum volume of fluid to be examined should be about 5
(+450 for ADA)
Same day1. Suspected Meningitis Meningoencephalitis 2. Inflammatory & neoplastic effusions.
3. Synovial f luid study in inflammatory
rheumatological joint diseases.
stain and ADA)
113Body fluid/CSF LDHRandom, preferably 2 hours after meal2 ml clotted sample in red top tube350/-Same DayUsed to support the diagnosis of injury or disease involving the heart, liver, RBCs, kidneys, skeletal muscle,
brain and lungs.
● 114Buccal Smear (Sex
chromatin/ Barr body)
Sample to be taken after proper cleaning of
NA550/-2 DaysFor detection of Barr Body
● 115BUNRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube170/-Same DayUrea Nitrogen is a renal function test that is often interpreted with creatinine. Useful when
measured before & after dialysis.
● 116C3Overnight fasting is preferred.2 ml clotted blood in red top tube600/-Same DayThis assay is useful for the diagnosis of C3 deficiency &
investigation of a patient with an undetectable total complement (CH50) level.
● 117C4Overnight fasting is preferred.2 ml clotted blood in red top tube600/-Same DayThis assay is useful for the diagnosis of C4 deficiency &
investigation of a patient with an undetectable total complement (CH50) level.
118CA 19. 9Random2 ml clotted blood in red top tube1750/- (+550/-for dilution)Same DayThis test is used for the prognosis & monitoring of therapy of patients with diagnosed malignant tumours.
119CA 125Random, Preferably 2 hours after meal2 ml clotted blood in red top tube1100/-Same DayUsed in the detection of ovarian cancer.
120CalciumOvernight Fasting2 ml clotted blood in red top
220/-Same DayUsed to evaluate parathyroid function and calcium
121C-ANCARandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube1650/-5 DaysC-ANCA testing is useful in the diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune mediated vasculitides. The diagnosis is made in correlation with the clinical history, biopsy findings & ANCA positivity. Positive ANCA with cytoplasmic pattern (C-ANCA) is seen in the cases of
Wegener’s Granulomatosis.
122ChlorideRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top
220/-Same DayPerformed as a part of multiphasic testing for electrolytes
123Cholesterol12 hrs fasting2 ml clotted blood in red top
220/-Same DayUsed to determine the risk for coronary heart disease
124Cancer Screening Panel - Female ( Haemogram, CA
125, CA 15. 3, CEA, AFP, Beta HCG , CA 19. 9)
Mentioned in individual test parametersMentioned in individual test parameters5130/-(+ 550/-for dilution)Next day, except CA 15. 3Mentioned in individual test parameters
125Cancer Screening Panel - Male (Haemogram, Total
PSA, CEA, AFP, CA 19. 9 , FPSA)
Mentioned in individual test parametersMentioned in individual test parameters4680/-(+ 550/-for dilution)Next dayMentioned in individual test parameters
126Cardiac Profile/ General check-up/ Hypertension
Profile ( Hb%, ESR, Urea, Creatinine, Uric Acid,
Glucose F, Lipid profile,
NA, K, Urine RE, Microalb Creatinine ratio)
Mentioned in individual test parametersMentioned in individual test parameters2400/-Same DayMentioned in individual test parameters
127Cardiac Profile/ Coronary/ Cardiac injury profile
LDH, Troponin I & T)
Mentioned in individual test parametersMentioned in individual test parameters2360/-Same DayMentioned in individual test parameters
128CEARandom, preferably 2 hours after meal2 ml clotted blood in red top tube850/-Same DayThis tumour marker is used for determining the extent of disease and prognosis in patients with cancer.

CeruloplasminRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top
900/-Same DayThe main clinical importance of Ceruloplasmin assay
is in the diagnosis of Wilson’ s disease.
130Cervical / Vaginal PAP
Smear - Collected at Lab/ Smears sent
Consent from patient for sample collectionN.A.800/-, 600/-3 DaysScreening test to detect Cervical Cancer, pre - malignant conditions and infections, i f any

Chikungunya Ig MRandom2 ml clotted blood in red
top tube
600/-Same DayQualitative detection of Ig M Anti Chikungunya
132CSF India Ink preparationNAIn sterile container.200/-Same DayRapid identification Cryptococcus neoformans in clinical sample.
133Coagulation Profile
(Haemogram, P. Time,
APTT, Fibrinogen + I f
requested D Dimer/ FDP)
Mentioned in individual test parametersMentioned in individual test parameters2250/- or 3400/-
depending on tests added
Same DayAs per individual assays
134CSF Cryptococcus AntigenRandomIn sterile container.1500/-Same DayIdentification of Cryptococcus species

CO2 Combining PowerNANA500/-Same DayTo detect Electrolyte imbalance
136CMP ( Comprehensive Metabolic Panel)
Glucose(F), Na, K, Cl,
HCO3, BUN, Creatinine, BUN Creatinine ratio, Ca, Phosphorus,
Magnesium, LFT,
GFR(calculated), Hb TC DC ESR platelet or
Haemogram & ESR
Mentioned in individual test parametersMentioned in individual test parameters3650/-Same DayAs per individual assays
137CMV IgG/ Ig MRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube650/-Next DayCMV is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality, specially in organ transplant
recipients and immunocompromised individuals.
138Complete Haemogram (Including PCV, MCV,
Platelets) and ESR
Mentioned in individual test parameters3 ml whole blood in
lavender top EDTA tube
450/-Same dayMentioned in individual test parameters
139CSF Fluid, Routine Analysis (Physical,
Chemical-Glucose, Protein, Chloride, Cell Count &
Type, Gram Stain, AFB stain, Indian Ink
Preparation + ADA)
Mentioned in individual test parametersMentioned in individual test parameters600/-+ 450/- for ADASame DayMentioned in individual test parameters
140Complete Haemogram
(Including Platelets) + MP
Mentioned in individual test parameters3 ml whole blood in
lavender top EDTA tube
500/-Same DayMentioned in individual test parameters
141Coomb’ s Test [ Direct]Random3 ml whole blood in Lavender Top EDTA tube480/-Same DayThis test detects IgG and Complement bound to erythrocytes. The test is useful in diagnosing patients
with Haemolytic Disease of the new-born and Automatic Haemolytic Anaemia.
142Coomb’ s Test [ Indirect]Random3 ml whole blood in Lavender Top EDTA tube550/-Same DayThis test is used to identify red blood cell IgG antibodies
that can cross the placenta and cause Haemolytic disease of the new-born.

Copper Serum / 24 Hr
Random2 ml clotted blood in red top
600/-Same DayFor screening of W i lson’ s Disease
144Cortisol A. M./ P. M.Blood to be drawn between 8-10 a.m for Morning Cortisol sample (overnight fasting preferred) or 4-6 p.m for Evening Cortisol sample (4 hours fasting recommended)2 ml clotted blood in red top tube750/Same DayPerformed on patients suspected to have hyper or hypo functioning adrenal glands
145C-PeptideFasting2 ml clotted blood in red top tube1100/-Same DayThis test more accurately reflects pancreatic insulin secretion rates than insulin. C-Peptide concentration is independent of exogenous insulin & is not subject to interference from insulin autoantibodies induced by
insulin therapy.
146CPKRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top
450/-Same DayUsed to support the diagnosis of myocardial infarction
147CPK-MBRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube450/-Same DayUsed to support the diagnosis of myocardial infarction
148CPK and CPK-MBAs per individual assaysAs per individual assays800/-Same DayAs per individual assays
149Creatinine Clearance Test (CCT) / e-GFR eachUrine to be collected without using
preservatives &
stored at 2 - 8º C
Clean container without preservatives500/-Same DayCreatinine clearance test is the most reliable test of renal function.
150Creatinine (Serum or Urine)Random2 ml clotted blood in red top tube170/- eachSame DayUsed to diagnose impaired renal function
151CRPRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top
550/-Same DayI t is the most sensitive acute phase reactant
for inflammation.
152Culture StoolSample to be collected in sterile containerFresh stool700/-3 DaysIdentification & sensitivity of Enteropathogenic bacteria
153Culture-Throat Swab,
Sputum, Urine, Pus, any Swab (ord. bacterial
culture) each & Sensitivity Test
T/S= collection to be made before brushing of teeth and eating break fast.
Sputum= deeply cough out sputum to be taken, not saliva.
Pus wound swab = Sample to be collected from discharging area. Urine = Clean catch mid- stream urine to be
Sterile bottle or tube.700/-3 DaysIdentification of pathogenic organism clinical samples and choosing of appropriate antibiotic
154DC and ESRFasting2 ml EDTA vial250/-Same DayMentioned in individual test parameters
155DC and MPRandomSlide preparation300/-Same DayMentioned in individual test parameters
156Dengue IgGRandom250 µl serum700/-Samples received
before 2: 00pm Report on
Same Day either
delivered on next day
This test is used for the qualitative presumptive detection of elevated IgG antibodies to dengue virus (serotypes 1 -4 ) in patients with secondary infection.
Dengue Ig MRandom250 µl serum700/-Samples received
before 2: 00pm Report on
Same Day either
delivered on next day
This test i s used for the qualitative detection of Ig M antibodies to dengue antigen i n serum, as an aid i n the clinical l aborator y diagnosis of patients with
clinical sym ptoms consistent with dengue fever.
157Dengue IgG+ Dengue Ig MRandom250 µl serum1350/-Samples received
before 2: 00pm Report on
Same Day either
delivered on
next day
Mentioned in individual test parameters
158Dengue NS 1 AgRandom250 µl serum750/-Samples received
before 2: 00pm Report on
Same Day either
delivered on next day
Detection of Dengue NS 1 antigen by ELISA is a valuable procedure, as i t allows detection of infection prior to seroconversion. NS 1 antigen can be detected in serum from day 1 after onset of fever and up to day 9.
159Dengue NS 1 + IgG + IgMRandomAs per individual test parameters2100/-Samples received
before 2: 00pm Report on
Same Day either
delivered on
next day
Mentioned in individual test parameters
● 160D-DimerRandom3 ml whole blood in Blue Top (Sodium Citrate) tube1300/-Same DayFor detection of Thromboembolic conditions
161Diabetic Profile / DM Panel ( Glucose F & PP, HbA 1C, Hb% ESR, Lipid Profile,
Urea, Creatinine, Urine RE, Microalb Creatinine
ratio + I f requested 24 hrs Urine Protein or Albumin,
Mentioned in individual test parametersMentioned in individual test parameters2500/- or 3250/-Same DayMentioned in individual test parameters
24 hrs Urine Creatinine Clearance test)
162Differential Count and
Approximate Total Count (DC, TC)
RandomEDTA blood & PP smear200/-Same DayMentioned in individual test parameters
163DHEA-SO4Random, Preferably 2
hours after meal
2 ml clotted blood in red top
900/-Same DayUseful in identification of androgen secreting adrenal
tumours especially Adrenal carcinomas.
164e GFR-BloodRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube300/-Same DayTest of renal function
165ESRFasting3 ml whole blood in Lavender Top EDTA tube100/-Same DayThis indicates presence and intensity of an inflammatory process.
166EstradiolRandom, preferably 2 hours after meal2 ml clotted blood in red top tube850/-Same DayUsed to evaluate sexual maturity, menstrual problems and fertility problems in females
167FT3+FT4+TSHAs per individual test
As per individual test
1100/-Same DayMentioned in individual test parameters
168FerritinRandom, Preferably 2 hours after meal2 ml clotted blood in red top tube750/-Same DayUsed to determine iron deficiency anaemia

Fibrin Degradation Product [ FDP]Random3 ml whole blood in Blue Top (Sodium Citrate) tube1300/-Same DayFDP is raised in DIC
170FolateRandom, Preferably 2 hours after meal2 ml clotted blood in red top tube1000/-Same DayUsed to assess nutritional status in patients with megaloblastic anaemia.
171FibrinogenRandom3 ml whole blood in Blue Top (Sodium Citrate) tube1100/-Same DayFibrinogen raised as a part of Acute phase reactant protein and reduced in DIC (Disseminated Intravascular
Coagulation), Hypofibrinogenemia.
172Free T3Random, Preferably 2 hours after meal2 ml clotted blood in red top tube350/-Same DayIt is a supplemental test to TSH and Free T4 for confirmation of thyroid status.
173Free T4Random, Preferably 2 hours after meal2 ml clotted blood in red top tube450/-Same DayUsed to evaluate thyroid function in patients who may have protein abnormalities that could affect total T4

Free TestosteroneRandom, Preferably 2 hours after meal2 ml clotted blood in red top tube1800/-7 daysThis test is recommended to overcome the influence caused by variations in transport proteins on the total
Testosterone concentration.
175FSHRandom, Preferably 2 hours after meal2 ml clotted blood in red top tube550/-Same DayUseful as an adjunct in the evaluation of menstrual irregularities. It also evaluates patients with suspected hypogonadism, predicts ovulation, evaluates infertility
and helps in diagnosing pituitary disorders.
176FSH+LH+ ProlactinAs per individual
As per individual assays1550/-Same DayAs per individual assays
177FNAC collected at
NA1600/-3 DaysFor diagnosis of malignancy and non -malignant
178FNAC Smears sentNA700/-3 DaysFor diagnosis of malignancy and non -malignant conditions
179Fungal culture (skin, nail clippings & any other
Skin scraping: Skin scales to be collected from surface of actively growing margin of lesion. Nail clippings: Clip away a generous portion of
the affected portion.
Samples to be collected in sterile bottle.350/-After 21
working days
For diagnosis of fungal infection in clinical samples.
180G6PD Quantitative TestRandom3 ml whole blood in 1
Lavender Top (EDTA) tube
450/-Same DayUseful for evaluation of individuals with Coomb's
negative non-spherocytic haemolytic anaemia.
181Gamma GT (GGT or YGT)Fasting2 ml clotted blood in red top tube400/-Same DayIncreased levels are seen in l iver diseases, pancreatitis etc. Decreased levels are seen in
182Glomerular Filtration Rate- Urine (GFR by CCT )Urine to be collected without using
preservatives and stored
at 2-8˚C.
container without preservative.
500/-Next DayCreatinine Clearance test is the most reliable test of renal
183Glucose (Fasting)Overnight FastingSodium Fluride 2 ml blood in Grey Top Tube100/Same DayUsed in the evaluation of diabetic patients
Glucose (PP)2 hours from the start of
Sodium Fluride 2 ml blood in
Grey Top Tube
100/-Same DayUsed to diagnose diabetes mellitus
Glucose (Random)RandomSodium Fluride 2 ml blood in Grey Top Tube100/-Same DayUsed to diagnose diabetes mellitus
184Glucose Tolerance Test (2 or 3 or 5 Samples)Fasting, 1 hr & 2 hrs samples & urine2 ml sample in sodium f luoride tube200/ 300/ 500Same DayScreening and diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes, Type I I Diabetes and Prediabetes
185Gram’ s stain any smearSample to be collected from affected area.Clean container or glass slides150/-Same DayPresumptive identification of any gram positive or gram negative bacteria.
186HaemoglobinRandom3 ml whole blood in
Lavender Top EDTA tube
100/-Same DayUsed to diagnose degree of Anaemia
187Haematocrit or PCVRandom3 ml whole blood in Lavender Top EDTA tube150/-Same Day1. Used to diagnose type and degree of Anaemia
2. Calculation of RBC indices
188Haemogram+ ESR+MPMentioned in individual test parametersMentioned in individual test parameters550/-Same DayMentioned in individual test parameters
● 189Hanging drop prep & Gram
Stain (Vaginal collected at Lab)
Random500/-Same DayUsed to detect Trichomonas infection
190Haemogram+MPMentioned in individual
test parameters
Mentioned in individual test
500/-Same DayMentioned in individual test parameters
191HbA 1C ( Glycated or Glycosylated Hb)Random2 ml whole blood in 1 Lavender Top (EDTA) tube600/-Same DayUseful for diagnosing diabetes and evaluating long term control of blood glucose concentrations in diabetic patients. It reflects the mean glucose concentration over
the previous period of 8-12 weeks.
192HaemogramMentioned in individual test parametersMentioned in individual test parameters400/-Same DayMentioned in individual test parameters
193HBeAgRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top
900/-Next DayEarly indicator of acute active infection. Most infectious
194Hb electrophoresis (HPLC)
/ Thalassemia Screening
Random3 ml whole blood in Lavender Top EDTA tube1000/-8 DaysUseful in the diagnosis of Beta Thalassemia
195HBs AgRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube550/-Same DayEarliest indicator of acute and chronic infection

HBs AgRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube550/-Next DayEarliest indicator of acute and chronic infection
197Hb TC DC ESRFasting3 ml whole blood in Lavender Top EDTA tube250/-Same DayMentioned in individual test parameters
198Hb TC DC ESR MPFasting3 ml whole blood in
Lavender Top EDTA tube
350/-Same DayMentioned in individual test parameters
Random3 ml whole blood in Lavender Top EDTA tube200/-Same DayMentioned in individual test parameters
● 200HBV DNA Viral loadRandomClot, Serum5500/-3 DaysHepatitis B infection is caused by Hepatitis B virus. HBV DNA is detectable about 3 weeks before the appearance of serological markers and is very useful for initiation decisions and treatment monitoring.
● 201HCV RNARandom250 µl whole blood collected in EDTA or 500 µl serum/ plasma5500/-3 DaysThis test is used for the quantitative detection of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA in human plasma, serum and whole blood sample, that aids in the diagnosis and confirmation of HCV infection (in conjunction with HCV antibody
test) and in estimation of Viral load.
202HDL - Cholesterol12 hrs fasting2 ml clotted blood in red top tube350/-Same DayAs part of the l ipid profile, this test is performed to indicate persons at risk for developing heart disease and to monitor
therapy i f abnormalities are found
Health Screening Profile (Mentioned in individualMentioned in individual test4050/- or 4700/-Same DayMentioned in individual test parameters
203Haemogram, ESR, CRP, Blood group & Rh factor,
Lipid profile, Liver function test, Urea, Creatinine, Uric acid, FBS, Hbs Ag, TSH,
Urine RE. + I f requested HIV Serology )
test parametersparameters
204Hepatic/ Liver Profile [ Bilirubin -( total,
conjugated, unconjugated)
. total protein, albumin, globulin, A: G, Alkaline phos, SGOT, SGPT] I f
requested P. Time, Gamma
GT, HBs AG, Anti HCV
Mentioned in individual test parametersMentioned in individual test parameters800/- or 2700/-Same DayMentioned in individual test parameters
205Hepatitis B ProfileRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube5000/-Next DayThis test helps to distinguish acute and chronic
infection and assesses recovery from or immunity to Hepatitis B
206Hepatitis Profile (Anti -HAV IgM & Total + HBV Profile+ Anti HCV IgG + Anti HEV
Random2 ml clotted blood in red top tube7850/-Next DayMentioned in individual test parameters
● 207HIV I & I IRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube700/-Same DayHIV screening purpose
● 208HIV I & I IRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube700/-Next DayHIV screening purpose
● 209HLA B 27 PCRRandom250 µl whole blood collected in EDTA3500/-After 2 DaysPresence of HLA-B27 protein is associated with certain autoimmune & immune mediated diseases including ankylosing spondylitis, reactive arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, anterior uveitis.

HomocysteineOvernight fasting
2 ml clotted blood in red top
1050/-Same DayAn elevated concentration of Homocysteine is an
independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
211HSV IgG (Herpes)Random2 ml clotted blood in red top
650/-3 DaysThis assay helps in determining previous exposure to
HSV Types 1 and 2.
HSV IgM (Herpes)Random2 ml clotted blood in red top
650/-3 DaysThis assay helps in determining exposure to HSV Types
1 and 2.
212HSV IgG+IgMMentioned in individual test parametersMentioned in individual test parameters1300/-3 DaysMentioned in individual test parameters
213IHC ( Immuno HIsto Chemistry)RandomNA1000/- per markers10 working daysHistological diagnosis purpose
214Infertility ProfileMentioned in individual test parametersMentioned in individual test parametersSemen analysis – 500/-,
Testosterone – 800/-
, PAP – 800/-
Same Day/ 3 DaysFor investigation of infertility
215Inorganic PhosphorusOvernight Fasting preferred2 ml clotted blood in red top tube220/-Same DayHyperphosphatemia is found in conditions like Renal insufficiency & severe nephritis, Liver disease & cirrhosis,
Bone tumors & metastases etc. Hypophosphatemia occurs in Rickets & Vit. D deficiency etc.
216Insulin (Fasting)Fasting2 ml clotted blood in red top tube750/-Same DayUsed in the evaluation of patients with fasting hypoglycaemia
Insulin (2 hrs after 75 g Glucose/ meal)2 hours after 75 gms
2 ml clotted blood in red top
750/-Same Day
217IronRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube450/-Same DayUsed to evaluate iron metabolism in patients in whom iron deficiency, overload or poisoning is suspected.
218Iron + TIBCMentioned in individual test parametersMentioned in individual test parameters800/-Same DayMentioned in individual test parameters
219I ron Profile ( Com plete
Haemogram , I ron/ T IBC, Ferritin )
Mentioned in individual test parametersMentioned in individual test parameters1750/-Same DayMentioned in individual test parameters
220Kidney/ Renal Profile [ RPI, RPII] (Urea/ BUN,
Creatinine, Uric acid, Sodium, Potassium,
Calcium, Phosphate, Hb%, Glucose F, Total Protein, Albumin, Globulin, Urine
RE, Microalbumin:
Creatinine ratio. + i f
requested Urine 24 hrs for Protein, Urine 24 hrs
Mentioned in individual test parametersMentioned in individual test parameters2100/- or 3100/-Same DayMentioned in individual test parameters
221LDH/ Body f luid LDHRandom, preferably 2 hours after meal2 ml clotted sample in red top tube350/-Same DayUsed to support the diagnosis of injury or disease involving the heart, liver, RBCs, kidneys, skeletal muscle,
brain and lungs.
222LDL - Cholesterol12 hours fasting2 ml clotted sample in red top tube400/-Same DayAs part of the lipid profile, this test is performed to indicate persons at risk for developing heart disease and
to monitor therapy if abnormalities are found

LDL/ HDL ratio12 hours fasting2 ml clotted sample in red top tube600/-Same DayFor risk associated with cardiological disease

LE Cell TestRandom300/-Next DayFor detection of SLE
225Leptospira- IGMRandom2 ml clotted sample in red top tube1600/-3 DayUsed to diagnose acute leptospirosis by detection of IGM antibody in Serum
226LipaseFasting2 ml clotted sample in red
top tube
550/-Same DayUsed in the evaluation of pancreatic disease
227Lipid Profile12 hours fasting3 ml clotted sample in red top tube900/-Same DayMentioned in individual test parameters
228Lithium12 hrs after last dose of
2 ml clotted sample in red
top tube
500/-Same DayUsed to monitor therapy of patients with Bipolar disorder
including recurrent episodes of Mania and Depression
● 229Liver abscess material gm stain, Hanging drop450/-Same DayFor detection of infection in Lever
230Liver Function Test (W i th SGOT)Fasting3 ml clotted sample in red top tube800/-Same DayMentioned in individual test parameters

● 231
LHRandom, preferably 2 hours after meal2 ml clotted sample in red top tube550/-Same DayUsed for evaluating patients with suspected Hypogonadism, predicting ovulation, evaluating infertility
and diagnosing Pituitary disorders. It is also an adjunct in the evaluation of menstrual irregularities.
232Lupus Anticoagulant [ LAC]Random3 ml whole blood in blue top tube (sodium
1600/-Same DayUsed to determine presence of Lupus Anti-coagulant that is associated with increased risk of thrombosis.
PROFILE (Bilirubin- total, conjugated, unconjugated, Total protein, Albumin,
Globulin, A: G, Alkaline Phosphatase, SGOT,
SGPT. + I f requested P. Time, Gamma GT,
HBs AG, Anti HCV)
Mentioned in
individual test parameters
Mentioned in individual test parameters800/-+ 2700/-Same dayMentioned in individual test paramete rs
234MagnesiumRandom, preferably 2 hours after meal2 ml clotted sample in red top tube380/-Same DayUsed to identify Magnesium deficiency or overload.
235Malaria Antigen detection
(Vivax and Falciparum)
Random3 ml whole blood in
Lavender Top EDTA tube
350/-Same DayRapid Test for most cases of Malaria.

Malaria Parasite ( MP)
Thick and Thin Smears
NAPP smear & EDTA blood150/-Same DayFor detection of Malaria Parasite
237Mantoux test with PPDNANA150/-3 DaysFor Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
MCVRandom3 ml whole blood in
Lavender Top EDTA tube
150/-Same DayUsed to diagnose type and degree of Anaemia
238MCHRandom3 ml whole blood in Lavender Top EDTA tube150/-Same DayUsed to diagnose type and degree of Anaemia
MCHCRandom3 ml whole blood in
Lavender Top EDTA tube
150/-Same DayUsed to diagnose type and degree of Anaemia
RDW (CV%)Random3 ml whole blood in Lavender Top EDTA tubeOn enquirySame DayUseful in distinguishing Iron deficiency anaemia ( RDW increased) from Thalassemia ( RDW normal )
239Microfilaria (Slide and EDTA Blood)Night blood2 air dried peripheral blood
smears or 2 ml whole blood from 1 Lavender Top tube
200/-Same DayTo detect Filarial disease

MPVRandom3 ml whole blood in
Lavender Top EDTA tube
On enquirySame DayTo detect any platelet disorder
241NPNRandom2 ml clotted sample in red top tube180/-Same DayAs the end product of protein metabolism, it reflects on the functioning of the kidney in the body. (Renal Function
242Osteoporosis Assessment Profile ( Calcium,
Phosphate, Alkaline
Phosphate, Oestradiol E 2, IPTH , Vit D 25 OH,
Cholesterol, Triglyceride )
Mentioned in
individual test parameters
Mentioned in individual test parameters5200/-Same DayMentioned in individual test parameters

O. T. swab-Aerobic/ AnaerobicSample to be collected
from appropriate area of OT
Sterile swab250/- eachAerobic: 3 days.
Anaerobic: 7 days
Whether the OT is suitable for working or not.
244P-ANCARandom2 ml clotted sample in red top tube1650/-After 5 daysP-ANCA testing is useful in the diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune mediated vasculitides. The diagnosis is made in correlation with the clinical history, biopsy findings & ANCA positivity. Positive ANCA with perinuclear pattern (P-ANCA) is seen in Polyerteritis
245Prothrombin Time (P-Time)Random3 ml whole blood in blue top (Sodium Citrate)
400/-Same DayP-Time assesses the extrinsic and common coagulation pathway from Factor VII through
f ibrin formation.
● 246Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)Fasting3 ml clotted blood/ 500 µl serum1700/-Same DayPTH level is increased in
a) Primary and Secondary Hyperparathyroidism
b) Vitamin D deficiency
c) Renal Failure
PTH level is decreased in
a) Autoimmune Hypoparathyroidism
b) Hyperthyroidism
c) Di George Syndrome
247Partial Thromboplastin
Time (PTT)
Random2. 7 ml of citrated blood450/-Same DayFor detection of clotting disorder in Blood

PBS staining & Microscopy
(only DC)
Random2 air dried peripheral blood
100/-To detect any abnormalities of Blood Cellular Elements
249P. C. T. (Post Coital Test)800/-Same DayFor investigation of infertility
250Peripheral blood cells-abnormal cells/ parasitesRandom2 air dried peripheral blood smear150/-Same DayPart of Routine Screening
251PCOD Assessment Profile ( FBS, FSH, LH, Prolactin, Testosterone total, Insulin F & 2
hrs after 75 gms glucose)
Mentioned in
individual test parameters
Mentioned in individual test parameters3550/-Same DayMentioned in individual test parameters
252PCVRandom3 ml whole blood in
Lavender Top EDTA tube
150/-Same Day1. Used to diagnose type and degree of Anaemia
2. Calculation of RBC indices
253Platelet CountRandom2 ml EDTA tube & 2 air dried peripheral blood smear200/-Same DayPart of Routine Haemogram. Platelet count is reduced in
ITP (Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura),Dengue and other Viral Fever
254Pleural, Peritoneal,
Pericardial, C S Fluids - (Routine)
NA650/-Same DayFor detection of infection, i f any
255Potassium (K)Random2 ml clotted blood in red top tube200/-Same DayThis test is done as a part of all complete routine
evaluations, especially in patients who take diuretics or heart medications
● 256Preoperative Serology
(HBs Ag + Anti HCV + Anti HIV)
Random2 ml clotted blood in red top tube1950/-Same DayMentioned in individual test parameters

Pro-BNP (NT Pro-BNP)Random, preferably 2
hours after meal
2 ml clotted blood in red
top tube
2200/-Same DayThis test is used as an aid in the diagnosis of suspected
congestive heart failure.
258ProcalcitoninRandom, preferably 2 hours after meal2 ml clotted blood in red top tube2300/-Same DayThis test is intended for use in conjunction with other laboratory findings & clinical assessments to aid in the risk assessment of critically ill patients on their first day of ICU admission for progression to
severe sepsis & septic shock.
259Pre Natal Profile/ Antenatal checkup
(Haemogram, Blood Group & Rh factor, VDRL
test/ RPR, HBs AG, Glucose F, Urine RE, TSH)
Mentioned in
individual test parameters
Mentioned in individual test parameters1800/-Same DayMentioned in individual test parameters
260Pre-Operative Profile (
Hb% TC DC ESR Platelets, BT CT P Time APTT,
Glucose F & PP, Urea
Creatinine, Blood Group & Rh factor, Serology -
Hbs Ag Anti HCV Anti HIV,
Urine RE)
Mentioned in
individual test parameters
Mentioned in individual test parameters3800/-Same DayMentioned in individual test parameters
261Pre- Marital Profile( Hb% TC DC, Glucose F, Blood
grouping & Rh t yping, HBs Ag,
VDRL, Thalassemia carrier detection + i f requested HIV serolog y)
Mentioned in
individual test parameters
Mentioned in individual test parameters2050/- or 2700/-
(depending on tests added)
Same Day/ Thalassemia
detection test report after 7 days
Mentioned in individual test parameters
262Pre Catheter Profile (Glucose F, Urea,
Creatinine, Complete
Hemogram, Group & Rh, HBs Ag, Anti HCV, HIV)
Mentioned in
individual test parameters
Mentioned in individual test parameters2650/-Same dayMentioned in individual test parameters
263ProgesteroneRandom, preferably 2
hours after meal
2 ml clotted blood in red
top tube
700/-Same DayUsed in the evaluation of women who are having difficulty
becoming pregnant or maintaining a pregnancy.
ProlactinOvernight Fasting preferred2 ml clotted blood in red top tube700/-Same DayUsed to diagnose and monitor prolactin-secreting pituitary adenomas
PSA TotalRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube750/-Same DayThis test is used as a screening method for early detection of prostatic cancer. The test is also used to monitor the disease after treatment.
PSA (Free)
(Done only with Total PSA)
Random2 ml clotted blood in red top tube650/-Same Day
267PSA (Total +Free)Random2 ml clotted blood in red top tube1400/-Same DayMentioned in individual test parameters
268Protein - / Urine / CSF / Any f luidRandom or 24 hrs
urine specimen/ CSF with no
preservatives or additives
Clean glass container for urine250/-Same DayRoutine Biochemical Examination for detection of infection , i f any
269Protein - Total, Albumin, Globulin Ratio (Serum)Fasting2 ml clotted blood in red top tube200/-Same DayUsed to diagnose, evaluate and monitor the disease
course in patients with cancer (lymphoma myeloma), intestinal/renal protein
270RBC count / WBC count eachMentioned in individual test parametersMentioned in individual test parameters150/-Same DayMentioned in individual test parameters
● 271Reticulocyte count / Sickling test eachRandom3 ml whole blood in Lavender Top EDTA tube300/-Same DayReticulocyte count raised in Haemolytic Anaemia and following Hematinic therapy. Reticulocyte reduced in
Marrow Hypoplasia.
272Rh antibody t i tre2 ml clotted blood in red top tube550/-Next DayTo determine Rh-positive or Rh- negative blood(Rh antibody t i tre) in early pregnancy.
273Rheumatoid Factor (RA/ RF)Random2 ml clotted blood in red top tube550/-Same DayApproximately 85% of patients with RA have detectable RA. It may also be seen in other medical conditions like
Sjogren's syndrome and SLE.
274Rubella IgGRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube700/-Next DayThis assay determines Rubella immune status in individuals.
275Rubella Ig MRandom2 ml clotted blood in red
top tube
700/-Next Day

Scraping for cytology- Malignant cells/ Tzanck test eachSmears along with proper history600/-3 DaysFor detection of malignant and non -malignant conditions of skin
277Scrub Typhus (IgG + IgM)Random2 ml clotted blood in red top tube500/-Same dayThis test is for in vitro professional diagnostic use and intended as an early diagnosis of Tsutsugamushi infection in patient with clinical
278Semen AnalysisCollected after an abstinence of 2 – 5 daysChemical & Microscopy500/-Same DayInvestigation for male infertility
279Sensitivity test & culture & ID/ sensitivity of any
Sample to be collected in sterile containerSterile bottle or tube.700/-3 daysIdentification of bacteria & determination of MIC & Antibiotic sensitivity
280SGOT (AST)Overnight Fasting2 ml clotted blood in red top tube170/-Same DayUsed in the evaluation of patients with suspected coronary occlusive heart disease or hepatocellular
281SGPT (ALT)Overnight Fasting2 ml clotted blood in red top tube170/-Same DayUsed to identify hepatocellular diseases of the liver
282Skin Biopsy at laboratoryConsent from patient for skin preparation and taking biopsySample must be in proper fixative along with proper
2000/-5 DaysFor Histological Diagnosis purpose
283Slide review (1 - 2 Slides)NANA600/-3 daysHistopathology- For detection of infective condition, benign / malignant neoplastic lesion.
Cytopathology- For detection of infective condition,
malignant cell.
284Slide review (2 - 4 slides)NANA1200/-3 daysHistopathology- For detection of infective condition, benign / malignant neoplastic lesion.
Cytopathology- For detection of infective condition, malignant cell.
285Slide review (5 - 10 slides)NANA1600/-3 daysSame as Above
286Slide review (10 -14 Slides)NANA2000/-3 daysSame as Above
287Slide review (more than 14
NANA2500/-3 daysSame as Above
288Sodium (Na)Random2 ml clotted blood in red top tube200/-Same DayUsed to evaluate and monitor fluid and electrolyte balance and therapy
289Sputum (concentration) / AFB Culture-
-LJ media
3-6 consecutive morning samplesSputum in sterile container600AFB culture- 6 weeksPresumptive identification of AFB
290Sputum Routine
exam, Gram stain
24 hrs/ morning sampleClean container200/-+ 150/-Same DayDiagnosis of tuberculosis
291Stool Routine exam1ST morning sample. Veg diet. Stop Vit C, 3 days before giving sample.Clean container150/-Same Day1.As part of routine stool examination 2.Suspected parasitic infestation 3.Suspected Colorectal malignancy
292Stool Occult Blood Test only1ST morning sample. Veg diet. Stop Vit C, 3 days
before giving sample.
Clean container100/-Same DayTo detect blooding in stool for gastro intestinal disorder
293Stool pH and Reducing Substance1ST morning sample. Veg diet. Stop Vit C, 3 days
before giving sample.
Clean container120/-Same DayTo detect presence of reducing substance and acidic/ alkaline feature in stool
294T3Random, preferably 2 hours after meal2 ml clotted blood in red top tube250/-Same DayPrimarily used to diagnose hyperthyroidism
295T4Random, preferably 2 hours after meal2 ml clotted blood in red top tube250/-Same DayUsed to diagnose thyroid function
296TSHRandom, Preferably 2 hours after meal2 ml clotted blood in red top tube350/-Same DayUsed to diagnose primary hypothyroidism and to differentiate it from secondary (pituitary) and tertiary
(hypothalamus) hypothyroidism
297TSH Receptor AntibodyRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube5000/-Same DayHyperthroidism in Graves’ disease is caused by autoantibodies to the TSH receptor & measurement of these TSHR antibodies can be useful in disease
diagnosis & management.
298T3+T4+TSHRandom, preferably 2 hours after meal2 ml clotted blood in red top tube750/-Same DayMentioned in individual test parameters
Random, preferably 2 hours after meal2 ml clotted blood in red top tube2000/-Same DayMentioned in individual test parameters
300Throat swab, Nasal swab or any swab for Fungal
To be collected from
patchy area of tonsil in T/S
Sterile swab150/-Same DayDiagnosis of any fungal infection
301Throat swab, Nasal swab or any swab-KOH
To be collected from patchy area of tonsil in
Sterile swab300/-Next dayFor early presumptive diagnosis of fungal infection
302TIBCRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube500/-Same DayUsed to evaluate iron metabolism in patients in whom iron deficiency, overload or poisoning is suspected
Transferrin saturationRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube800/-Same DayT. S. (%)=(Serum Iron level/ TIBC) x100%
Calculation of T. S. is helpful in determining the cause of abnormal i ron and TIBC levels.
303Total IgERandom, preferably 2 hours after meal2 ml clotted blood in red top tube650/-Same DayUseful to establish the diagnosis of an allergic disease and to define the allergens responsible for eliciting signs
and symptoms.
304TORCH IgG/ Ig M eachRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube1650/-Next DayThis panel tests for the com mon agents causing uterine i nfection l eading to recurrent abortions and
t ransmission f rom a pregnant woman to the foetus .
305TORCH ProfileRandom3 ml clotted blood in red
top tube
3000/-Next DayMentioned in individual test parameters
306Total Leucocyte countRandom2 ml whole blood in
lavender top EDTA tube
150/-Same DayPart of routine Haemogram. Total Leucocyte count is
raised in Leukamoid reaction, infections, CML and reduced in aplastic anaemia.
307Total RBC countRandom3 ml whole blood in
lavender top EDTA tube
150/-Same DayUsed to diagnose type & degree of anaemia
308Total TestosteroneRandom, Preferably 2 hours after meal2 ml clotted blood in red top tube800/-Same DayUsed to diagnose primary hypothyroidism and to differentiate it from secondary (pituitary) and tertiary
(hypothalamus) hypothyroidism
309Toxoplasma (IgG & IgM)Mentioned in individual test parameters2 ml clotted blood in red top tube1200/-Next DayMentioned in individual test parameters
310Toxoplasma IgGRandom2 ml clotted blood in red
top tube
700/-Next DayThis test is useful for indicating past infection with
Toxoplasma gondii.
● 311Toxoplasma IgMRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top tube700/-Next DayThis assay aids in the diagnosis of Congenital/ Acute acquired Toxoplasmosis.
312TPHARandom2 ml clotted blood in red
top tube
400/-Same DayFor detection of syphilis
● 313TriglycerideMinimum 12 hours fasting2 ml clotted blood in red top tube350/-Same DayUsed to identify the risk of developing coronary heart disease
● 314Troponin - IRandom2 ml clotted sample- EDTA tube500/-Same DayTrop-I is a cardiac marker elevated only in patients suffering f rom acute Myocardial Infarction.
● 315Troponin - TRandom2 ml clotted sample- EDTA tube700/-Same DayTrop-T is a marker of acute Myocardial
Infarction rising 2 -4 hours after the onset of Myocardial necrosis.

Troponin T hs STAT
Random2 ml clotted blood1500/-Same DayThis test can be used as an aid in the
differential diagnosis of acute coronarysyndrome to identify necrosis, for example, acute myocardial infarction.
317TrueNat MTB with RIF/ MTB PCR Bacterial LoadRandom500 µl sputum/ body fluid collected in a clean container2200/-3 DaysThis test aids in the detection and diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis ( MTB) i n human pulmonar y ( sputum/ non - sputum) and EPTB specim en.
318UreaRandom2 ml clotted blood in red top
170/-Same DayAs the end product of protein metabolism, it reflects on
the functioning of the kidney in the body.
319Uric AcidFasting2 ml clotted blood in red top tube170/-Same DayUsed in the evaluation of gout or recurrent urinary calculus
● 320Urine (24 hours Collection) Albumin & MicroalbuminRandom5 l i tre jar400/-Same DayNephritic syndrome
321Urine (24 hours Collection) for Amylase or DiastaseRandom5 l i tre jar550/-Same DayFor monitoring of Carbohydrate digestion and absorption in diabetes (particularly, for chronic
322Urine (24 hours collection) AFB stain3-6 consecutive morning urine
5 l i tre jar180/-Same DayFor screening of mycobacterial infection {AFB) and nephritic syndrome
● 323Urine (24 hours Collection) Protein2gm/ 24 hrs5 l i tre jar300/-Same Day
● 324Urine (24 hours Collection) for Calcium/ Phosphate
Random5 l i tre jar500/-Same DayNephritic syndrome
325Urine (24 hours Collection)
for Uric Acid
Random5 l i tre jar250/-Same DayFor monitoring of Gout or similar disease

Urine for AFB Culture (L. J.
Media) morning samples
3-6 consecutive morning/
midstream samples
Urine in sterile container650/-6 W eeksDetection of renal tuberculosis

Urine deposit (Perl’ s stain
for haemosiderin)
Random20 ml volume300/-Same DayFor detection of Haemosiderinuria
● 328Urine for HaemoglobiniuriaRandom200/-Same DayCases of Intravascular Haemolytic Anaemia (eg. Falciparum Malaria, G6PD deficiency, Mismatched blood

Urine Na, K, Calcium,
Creatinine, Uric acid each
Morning sampleSample container200/-Same DayFor detection of glomerular filtration by kidney or kidney
tubule test
330Urine Non-glucose reducing substanceMorning sampleSample container150/-Same DayFor detection of Ketone bodies (Rothera’s Test),
Galactose or other monosaccharide carbohydrate (important for Chronic Diabetes)
331Urine Pregnancy Test (Pregcolor / sure etc.)Normal sampleSample container150/-Same DaySuspected pregnancy in missed periods (early diagnosis of pregnancy)
332Urine (Reducing substance) / pHNormal sampleSample container200/-Same Day1.Renal Glycosuria
2.Alimentary Glycosuria 3.Suspected Diabetes Mellitus
333Urine (Spot Collection) Microalb : Creatinine
Ratio/ Protein Creatinine each
Random60 ml container400/-Same DayNephritic syndrome
334Urine (Routine Examination)1st Morning sampleClean container. 30 ml150/-Same Day1. Routine urine analysis.
2. Nephritic & Nephrotic syndromes.
3. Suspected UTI
335Urine - Sugar / Acetone / Protein / Urobilinogen / Chyle each1st Morning SampleClean container. 30 ml100/-Same DayDiagnosis of diabetes and prediabetes (For Sugar), Detect ketoacidosis, starvation or other abnormalities of Carbohydrate or Lipid Metabolism (For Acetone), urological nephrological disorders or UTI (for Urine Protein), detect hepatobilary disorders and hemolytic disease (For Urobilinogen), c hecking
of presence of Chyluria (For Chyle)
336Urine Sugar and albuminFirst Morning
Plain Container 5ml.100/-Same DayFor detection of diabetes
337VLDL - CholesterolMinimum 12 hrs overnight fasting2 ml clotted blood in red top tube500/-Same DayAs part of the l ipid profile, this test is performed to indicate persons at risk for developing heart disease and to monitor
therapy i f abnormalities are found
338VDRL Test with QT (R. P. R. Test)Random2 ml clotted blood in red top tube300/-Same DayDiagnosis of syphilis
339Vitamin B 12Random, preferably 2
hours after meal
2 ml clotted blood in red top
1000/-Same DayUsed to identify the cause of megaloblastic anaemia and
to evaluate malnourished patients
340Vitamin D (25 Hydroxy Vitamin D)Random , preferably 2 hours after meal2 ml clotted blood in red top tube1900/-Same DayUseful for diagnosis of Vitamin D deficiency and Hypervitaminosis D. Used for differential diagnosis of
causes of Rickets & Osteomalacia.
● 341Vasculitis Profile (ANA, Ds DNA, RF, CRP, Anti CCP )Mentioned in individual test parametersMentioned in individual test parameters7150/-5 DaysMentioned in individual test parameters
342Water cultureTo be collected
aseptically in clean catch water
200 ml in clean container1600/-3 DaysDiagnosis of contaminated water

Widal TestWidal- Blood to be collected after 7-10 days of fever3-4 ml clotted blood in red top tube300/-Next DayDiagnosis of typhoid

Typhidot IgMTyphidot- Blood to be collected 4-5 days of fever.3-4 ml clotted blood in red top tube300/-Same DayDiagnosis of typhoid